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Monday, December 17, 2012

Sage -and Pancetta-Wrapped Prawns (Recipe)


20 uncooked large prawns
10 slices thinly sliced pancetta
28 fresh sage leaves
80ml (2 1/2fl oz) sherry vinegar or cider vinegar


1. Remove the shells and tails from the prawns, and de-vein them.  Cut the slices of pancetta in half.  Tear the sage leaves from the stems.
2. On a flat surface, lay out a half slice of pancetta.  Place one large or two small leaves of sage on top, then place one prawn across the pancetta and sage.  Roll the pancetta around the prawn and secure it closed with a toothpick (exposing the tail and head ends of the prawn).  Repeat with the rest of the prawns.
3. Heat a medium-size non-stick frying pan on a medium-high.  Place half the rolled prawns in the pan (the pancetta should sizzle).  Cook until the pancetta is light brown and crispy on each side.  Place the prawns on paper towers to drain, and cover to keep warm.  Repeat for the other half of the rolled prawns.
4. Immediately after all the prawns have been cooked, keeping the pan on the flame, pour in the sherry vinegar and cook down to a syrup-like consistency.  Place the prawns on a platter and pour the hot reduced vinegar over them.  Serve immediately.

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