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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Lazy Aces Children Card Tricks

The Spectators does all the hard work for you while you put your feet up and just direct the proceedings! She finds the four aces and won't have a clue how she did it.

What You Need
Just a pack of cards.

Secretly place the four aces on top of the pack (1) and lay the pack on the table

What You Do
Tell the spectator that you are feeling a bit lazy today and would like her to do a trick for you.  You will tell her what to do.

First she must divide the pack into four roughly equal parts (2).  Keep an eye on her as she does this and make sure that the quarter with the aces on top ends up in position number 4.  If isn't, casually move it to that position as you apparently tidy up the piles of cards.

Tell her to pick up pile number 1 and transfer three cards - one at a time - from the top to the bottom of her packet (3).  She must then deal one card onto the top of the other three piles in any order.

You now direct her to put the pile back on the table and pick up pile number 2.  Again she should transfer three cards - one at a time - from the top to the bottom of the packet she is holding.  Then deal one card on the top of each of the other three piles in any order she wishes before replacing the packet on the table (4).

You get her to repeat the procedure with piles numbers 3 and 4.  The action of doing this to pile number 4 results in you getting rid of the three odd cards that were dumped on it and distributing aces to the top of each pile!

The dirty work is done.  Now you must "sell" the trick...

"I chose you to do this trick with me because you looks as if you would make a good poker player.  You have done all the work for me.  You cut the pack into four different piles and no one could know where you were going to cut.  That's true, isn't it?  You did all the dealing yourself and I haven't touched the pack once - have I? Let's see if I chose the right person turn over the top card on each pile...!"

Watch her faces as the four aces appear (5)!

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