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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Time Out Children Card Tricks

Everybody loves card tricks.  Each trick that follows is virtually self working - requiring the minimum of sleight of hand - and yet they all contain a wonderful "magical punch".

The "methods" are cleverly disguised so that they appear inexplicable.

In this great trick you not only apparently read the mind of your assistant twice but also prove to her that you knew what she was going to think of before she thought of it!

What You Need
A pack of cars.
A sheet of thick A4 paper or card.
A black marker pen.

Decide upon "key" card.
Let's say that you choose the Seven of Hearts.  On one side of the paper boldly write.

You will choose the Seven of Hearts

Your writing must not be noticeable from the other side - that's why we use thick paper (1).

Find the Seven of Hearts and its back put a pencil dot at the top left and bottom right corners (2).  These need only be faint as they are for your eyes only.  Place this card in the thirteenth position from the top of the pack and you are ready togo

What Do You Do
The pack of cards is on the table.  Place the sheet of paper on the table, writing side down, without showing the writing.  Draw a large circle on the paper and draw in the 12 numbers of clock face (3).

Ask the spectator to think of any number from one to twelve - not to call it out, just to think of it.

While you turn your back she must then remove the same number of cards from the top of the packs as the number she is thinking of (4) and sit on these cards.  For example, if she thought of the number 3, she should remove three cards from the top of the pack and sit on them.  If she though of 4, she should remove four cards from the top and sit on them.  When she tells you that she has done this, you turn around and pick up remaining cards.

"There are twelve numbers around a clock - Right?"

As you say this, you deal 12 cards from the top of the pack onto a separate pile, counting them out loud as you do this.  This action reverses their order.  Put the rest of the pack aside and pick up the packet of 12 cards.  Now, starting at the one o'clock position, deal out a card beside each of the 12 numbers (5).  Watch out for your secretly marked card.  Remember its position but don't make it obvious.  From your point of view the "tricky bit" is over.  Now you must act it up so that it becomes a mind-blowing trick.  Say, for example, you have spotted your pencil dotted card at the eight o'clock position.  This is what you would say and do...

"You could have thought of any of the 12 numbers.  That's true isn't it? Look at me.  Just think of your number...don't say it...just think of it...You are thinking of...the number...eight! Am I Right?"

Her jaw drops open in surprise as she tells everyone that you are correct.  She removes the eight cards that she is sitting on to prove it.

"OK.  Now have a peek at the card that is in the eight position on the clock (6).

"Don't show it to me - just think of it...You are thinking of...the...Seven of Hearts! Turn over the card and show everyone (7)."

You should get a nice round of applause at this point.  Accept it modestly before you put in the final boot!

"Before we started I wrote you a little note.  That note is underneath the clock.  Would you please turn the clock over and read out aloud what I wrote!"

She reads out your message and your sensational card trick comes to a stunning conclusion (8).

This is a self-working trick.  The Seven of Hearts will always end up in the position that she think of.

Take time to learn the right words so that your instructions to the spectator are crystal clear.

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